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/ People of Sacramento Archives / People of Sacramento Archives (Sacramento Archives and Museum Collection)(1999).ISO / pc / Program / largepic / 938f.jpg < prev    next >
Joint Photographic Experts Group Image  |  1999-12-07  |  134KB  |  500x374  |  8-bit (256 colors)
Labels: bulletin board | daily | gazette
OCR: proportion. McDOUGAL CO sutterville May Gotd and silver con onstantly on hand. and exen anged 101 gooo clean Gold Dust, $15 per G7 Apply M M LELLAN Apr Itf at the sutter House Certificates for deposites of gold dust coin for suns from one hund red dollars and upw 'ards, payable one to six months. with liberal rat mterest are gran ted preportion Gota Constantl exct Interest grar